Our Work

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BRTS - Ahmedabad

  • GIPL has managed IT operations and Ticketing solution for 35 BRTS stations. GIPL has also worked as IT consultant / Advisor / Third Party auditor for Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd.

BRTS - Rajkot


  • GIPL has been apointed as an IT consultant for Rajkot Rajpath Ltd.

Gujarat Forest Department

  • MIS Integrated GIS Application :
    Developing the Management Information system (MIS) for Gujarat Forest department; by this system forest department can check online monthly and yearly progress report, employee details, working plan and nursery details. All MIS modules are interlinked with GIS maps of Gujarat.
  • Forest PDA application :
    Developing the PDA/Mobile Application to track the Forest Offences link tree cutting, Illegal pouching in forest, animal killing, man / animal conflicts. By using this application Forest Officers can immediately contact nearest rescue team/police station / fire station to protect the forest.
  • Command Control Room Application :
    This Application will help them to monitor all their Activities & Guide Rescue Team in emergency situation. This is a web portal through which single person can send SMS alerts, Group Calling, Mails to Forest Higher officials for their immediate action. There is also continues alarm for Event Generation through PDA in the Control Room So, immediate action can be taken up by Control Room.
  • NAREGA :
    GIPL team had developed the online Registration system for Proposal submission at District and Division level of Gujarat Forest Department. Currently this system had been used from all over Gujarat Forest division offices to submit their proposals.
  • SAMAYDAN Portal :
    Developed online Work allocation/distribution system for Samaydan Scheme, launched by Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi to appeal the youth of Gujarat to contribute 100 hours of their time for the service of people.

Gujarat Secondary and Higher Education Board (GS&HSEB)

  • Online Integrated Education system :
    Successfully implemented across Gujarat state and benefited to various stakeholders like students, schools, teachers, school trust, board’s employees & management etc. Increasing productivity, transparency, stakeholder satisfaction, decision power at all levels. Eliminating duplication of work by integration of various levels across Gujarat State and so, reducing operational cost and communication gap.
  • New School Application and Approval :
    Online process to apply for opening new school with online approval process with integrated workflow. Site inspection report is online which speeds up the process. Applicant can check application status online and receive auto generated emails at the time of status changes. Generates online validation and exception report which helps in approval process.
  • School Registration :
    Each school has to register its details like registration number, address, stream, medium, timings, trust information, building information, facility details, transportation details, staff strength, result information, other history of management, name changes etc. Data is verified by different authorities at different levels.
  • Teacher Registration :
    Teacher registration is done by schools. Schools have to enter their teacher’s personal information, academic details, professional ability, work experience including teaching, training, achievement, penalty details etc. Data is verified by different authorities at different levels
  • Student Services :
    Users of this application are students, schools, organizations and board itself. Applicant can apply for duplicate marksheet, duplicate certificate, migration certificate, online result verification. Payment verification, approval process and generation of duplicate marksheet & certificate are part of integrated workflow. Applicant can check application status online and receive auto generated emails at the time of status changes.
  • New Class Application and Approval :
    Application can be done for adding class in existing standard or new class in next upper standard. Payment verification and approval process is part of integrated workflow. Applicant can check application status online and receive auto generated emails at the time of status changes.
  • Online Student Exam Registration :
    Schools have to register their students for SSC and HSc examination each year. Module supports online validations related to subjects & student type (i.e. regular, repeater, isolated etc.), correction, fees calculation, principal approval, payment receipt generation, payment verification etc. Examinations like GUJCET registration, in which students have to register themselves by using unique id. Outside Gujarat board students can also register themselves for GUJCET.
  • Admin and Access control system :
    User creation and role assignment according to user’s responsibilities. Monitoring schools and generation of various statistical and MIS reports.
  • Result Hosting :
    Since more than 8 yrs, GIPL is successfully hosting the results for SSC & HSC.

Gujarat State Seeds Corporation

  • MIS :
    GIPL is awarded to develop Integrated Management Information System (MIS), a comprehensive, online, interactive web-based solution that would allow GSSCL to enhance its resource management capabilities.The proposed solution is proactively and collaboratively manages all departmental functions through modules like procurement, sales, marketing, ware house, user management, subsidy, krushimahotsav, quality management etc.MIS is based on practices followed by the department and compliant with industry standards
    GIPL has also provided complete IT infrastructure and manpower services for handholding and support for smooth implementation and deployment of MIS.
  • Website :
    GIPL has developed CMS based website for Gujarat State Seeds Corporation Ltd. CMS is actually a live website, where the content of the website can be easily up graded, edited, deleted etc. As part of this representation, web site is focusing for two-way communication. Pages and content should change to reflect new projects and interests, and provide mechanisms for both current Clients and the general public to interact with the organization.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Gujarat Refinery

  • Access area in IOCL Premises and time can be controlled with the alert generated in the system.
  • At any time, the system can retrieve data, information, and audit log data of any visitor/driver/cleaner/contractor & vehicle
  • Single & Multiple days pass with temporary and permanent pass types are issued for entering IOCL refinery Premises.
  • Dashboard encompassed within the Web application summaries of different reports as color-coded widgets on a single page. With a dashboard, authority can monitor many metrics at once and can quickly check the count of visitor, contractor, vehicle, driver and cleaner on yearly/day basis.
  • Various Reports generated on daily/monthly/yearly basis in the system gives a glimpse of gate pass issued to visitors, blacklist and cancelled contractors, Material item/activity and vehicle check-in/check-out
  • The administration module facilitates Employee-Role mapping, Role-Module Mapping, RFID Tag & Reader master with Reader and Location mapping as well as with Location and Department mapping


  • Developed Online Inventory Management system for GSPC Gas stores. Online Goods Received and transfer data are captured. Live Stock reports generated on the basis of availability of Goods in the stores. Purchase order and Work order issued centrally to all over location from the Inventory Management System.
  • Developed Issue Tracking Software
  • Consulting services for SAP-ERP Implementation
  • Developed Online recruitment portal for mass recruitment at one go.

Agriculture & Co-operation Department - GoG

  • Director of Agriculture:
    Web enabled information management system designed to automate the operations of approval & disburse subsidy of applications to farmers and Co-operative organizations for various government schemes like RKVY, KVY, Farm mechanization etc.
    Developed Tablet based Crop Cutting Experiment system. With the help of this software the village level worker (Gram Sevak) enter applicant & farm details using tablet device and photos of pond will be depicted on GIS map along with the location through GPS and the photo will be uploaded at Central Server through GPRS on line.
  • Director of Horticulture:
    Developed online application system for apply cold storage electricity subsidy Developing Tablet based "Horticulture program Implementation and Verification" software.

Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records, Gandhinagar

  • Department has appointed GIPL as a Total Solution provider for their IT activities.
  • Department has given the work of Software Application Development of Licensee Surveyor & Resurvey Progress under NLRMP scheme.
  • The Major Functionalities of Licensee Surveyor are :
    1.Licensee applicant registration.
    2.Maintain training details of applicant along with results and certificates.
    3.Manage the process of renewal, suspension and termination of the license.
  • The Major Functionalities of Resurveyor are :
    1.Agency Management.
    2.Manage Ground Control Network data.
    3.Manage Village wise Survey data.
    4. Payment Order Generation.

Ahemdabad Urban DevelopMent Authority

  • Handling Software for Draw System for Housing
  • Developed and Maintain system for all projects of Auda Called Auda Prgati